my theory on break-ups: they suck.
but the way i see it, if a break-up isn't difficult and it doesn't hurt, the relationship did not mean enough to you. relationships are about letting someone truly see your deepest deep and letting them know every last detail of your life. when you find someone who means so much to you at any point in your life, regardless of how the relationships ends, you will always have all of those memories that you will always reflect back to. sometimes they make you smile, those good times where you were swinging on the swings at your elementary school's playground, or the times you'd stayed up until three in the morning talking about your dreams and admirations. sometimes you don't look at the happy moments, you see the moments where you were brought to tears with such frustration or anger, where you didn't think the sun would ever shine again.
it's moments like that that make you think you made the right choice, but you will always have lapses of the happy times, the times you want to remember. the times where there was no stop to your sunshine and you felt invincible. but don't let that get you down. sometimes the cards just aren't right at the time, sometimes you have to think about yourself before thinking of someone as. it may be selfish, but sometimes it's allowed. sometimes you don't actually realize how much you truly love someone, until you have to let them go. maybe it will be too late, but one who loves will love again, even if it means loving the same person again, or meeting someone new.